First, provide research question and aim and objectives of the research topic (change management in hospitality and tourism industry in Myanmar) relating to project management PMBOK,
** the writer can choose any interesting topic as long as it is relating to (change management in hospitality and tourism industry in Myanmar)
Secondly, Literature review for this research
The writer has to keep in touch through messages in order to get the ideas and any updates, and detailed instructions. the writer must submit chapter by chapter once finish one chapter.
Minimum 30 journal articles required
Title: Change Management, Myanmar and the Guided Effects of PMBOK
Research Question: Do statistical measurements in the hospitality and tourism industry signify whether change is good or bad?
I. Introduction
1. Begin with unique statistical anomaly (attention getter)
2. Thesis statement (incorporate research question)
3. Present main ideas (each idea includes prove/disprove research question)
II. Myanmar Government Involvement (assistance) in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
1. Regulations and their successes and failures to adapt to change
2. Incorporated principles of PMBOK by the government
3. Unincorporated principles of PMBOK by the government
III. Population distribution in Myanmar
1. Population indicators to succeed in hospitality and tourism (change is constant)
2. Incorporated principles of PMBOK in tourism destinations by the local population
3. Unincorporated principles of PMBOK in tourism destinations by the local population
IV. Common Corporate Models of Change Management
1. Restaurant industry
2. Lodging industry
3. Incorporated principles of PMBOK by industry executives
4. Unincorporated principles of PMBOK by industry executives
V. Conclusion
1. Summary of main ideas
2. Restate thesis
3. Present second unique statistical anomaly
4. Closing statement
Reference Page: 32-40 references